I need to split something out.
Stay at home wouldn't be a good choice.

Doctor Lore : Hi moo how u doin'?
Me : I'm ok. Listen, Will u go to the concert tonight with me?
D.L : Who?
Me : Jimmy eat world ^_^
D.L : I don't know them. But if I finish my work early. I will go with u. ok?
Me : umm ok.. so let me know then..
At 9.20 my friend came to pick me up..Lore, thx :))

the place was nice.
i was in the good position.
they were awesome.. Except the damn stereo..(-__-")
But people were so cold. It's like we were seeing some debate of prime minister. They are so serious.
anyway, i can enjoy.

and some video:)
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